Jungkook Tried To Cheat Off Of BTS’s “Genius”, But It Totally Backfired

This student learned a lesson about instant karma.

As a child, Jungkook learned that honesty is more important than a high test score…

…but that was before Run BTS! came along! Cheating, betrayals, and lies are pure entertainment in BTS’s variety show.

Even so, Jungkook is usually the least likely member to trick the others. He prefers to win fair and square, and he’s quick to snitch on cheaters like Suga.

| Big Hit Entertainment/Weverse 

In Episode 112, BTS went back to school to play a word game created by Teacher Jin. For each question, the paired-off members had to answer with an “O” or “X” sign.

| Big Hit Entertainment/Weverse

Since RM is famous for his book smarts, he must know all the answers, right?

| Big Hit Entertainment/Weverse

When Jungkook sneakily swiveled his sign to match RM’s, he got caught in the act.

RM and J-Hope called him out, claiming that he’d copied their answer.

Teacher Jin let Jungkook get away with it, but his plan immediately backfired.

RM’s answer was wrong! When Jungkook realized he’d sabotaged himself, he jumped out of his chair and took it out on the “genius”.

That day, Student Jungkook learned a valuable lesson about instant karma!

Read more from this episode here:

BTS’s Suga vs V’s Hugs: The Saga Continues On “Run BTS!”


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