Sandara Park Confesses That She Couldn’t Stop Crying After Her Last Breakup

Sandara Park talked about past relationships with her show mates on the beauty show “Get It Beauty.” 

Everyone shared stories about their breakups and Sandara chimed in by saying she had a tearful breakup with her first love. 

“I thought my life was over when I broke up because that was my first relationship.”

— Sandara Park

She even said that she couldn’t stop crying after fighting with her first boyfriend that it caused filming delays for an entire day.

“We had a difficult fight once and because of that fight, I couldn’t stop crying even when I had to film for a show. Since I couldn’t stop crying, it caused production delays but everyone was understanding and my fellow actors cheered me up throughout the day.”

— Sandara Park

Sandara said the breakup ended bad and she even decided to sell all the gifts she received from her boyfriend.

“After wrapping things up and getting my emotions back in check, I decided to sell all the gifts I received from him. With the money I got from the gifts, me and my friends went for a really memorable vacation. You have to take revenge on your boyfriends like that.”

— Sandara Park

Sandara might have cried then because it was her first love but she is now everyone’s powerful yet cute, girl crush! You go, girl!

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