Se7en hints of a comeback as he celebrates 12th Korean debut anniversary

Male soloist Se7en celebrated his 12th Korean debut anniversary and reminisces with fans with an update to his SNS accounts. 

On March 22nd, Se7en published a photo of his debut album cover Just Listen, writing his thank you to fans who have supported him the past 12 years, the singer further hints of a comeback as he uses the hashtag #new7 and #cominsoon.

He writes, “#SE7EN_Debut12thAnniversary #thankU #Support #ThankYou #I’ll Tell You Good News #new7 #cominsoon.”

Se7en made his debut with his first studio album Just Listen, which was released on March 8, 2003, and was followed up by his very first stage performance on the 22nd with his title track “Come Back To Me.” In February 2005, he made his entry into the Japanese music industry with the single “Hikari,” and recently celebrated his 10th Japanese debut anniversary as well.

The singer was finally discharged from his military duties in late December, and in February after more than 12 years together, it was revealed that YG Entertainment and Se7en will not be renewing their contract together following his contract expiring.

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