Homophobic Banner At 2024 Seoul Queer Parade Completely Backfires

“Mother Nature knows the answer.”

On June 1, 2024 (KST), the streets of Seoul celebrated the 25th Seoul Queer Parade.

“The 25th Seoul Queer Parade 2024” | KBS News

The Pride Parade, despite being “denied permission to gather at the Seoul Plaza in front of City Hall,” had over 150,000 LGBTQ Koreans (and non-Koreans) and supporters show up.

Having a good evening, everyone? Here’s a timelapse video of this year’s Seoul Queer Parade. We hope you have a good dream. See you all next year!

— Seoul Queer Parade

Amid the festivities, Korea’s most homophobic protesters also poured out onto the streets, denouncing LGBTQ rights.

Protesters | Yonhap

Seoul’s conservative mayor, Oh Se Hoon, has said he ‘personally can’t agree with homosexuality,’ but municipal authorities blamed a scheduling conflict and said the venue had already been reserved for an outdoor event themed around books.

— The Korea Times

Standing alongside the blocked off streets, the protesters clashed with the paraders—fiercely, though non-violently.

Just a few hundred meters away from the main streets where the festival was held, Christian protesters denounced LGBTQ rights, holding signs that read ‘No! Same-Sex Marriage’ and ‘The country built with blood and sweat is collapsing due to homosexuality.’

‘We’re opposing homosexuality because we want those who think they are ‘homosexuals’ to be truly happy by accepting God’s ways, which only permit the union of a man and a woman,’ Jang Mi Young, a 65-year-old Christian protester, told AFP.

— The Korea Times

Some put up banners, blaming “homosexuality” for the impending “downfall” of Korea. But these banners, meant to intimidate the parade participants, ended up backfiring…

The banner in full view. | theqoo

Progressive Korea’s Downfall Will Be Due To Homosexuality!

— Protesting Banner

…thanks to the LGBTQ-friendly trees of Seoul.

A viral online post capturing the half-covered banners pointed out how the message had turned pro-LGBTQ.

The banner, covered by an ally tree. | theqoo

With surrounding infrastructure covering the “Downfall Will Be Due” part, the banner then read:

The banner, covered by an ally bus. | theqoo

Korea’s Progressive Homosexuality

— No-Longer-Protesting Banner

More allies gathered in the comments, sharing undivided love and support for the LGBTQ community, as well as thanking the banner for encouraging Korea’s progressiveness.

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 7.46.52 PM
| theqoo
  • “Thank you, lucky tree!”
  • “Haha. A woke Korea, indeed.”
  • “So this is why nature is good for us.”
  • Daebak. Haha. And remember, the most dedicated anti-fans are basically indistinguishable from the most loyal supporters.”
  • “Far-right Christians also tend to justify discrimination against women, in addition to shunning homosexuality. So… F*cking despise them.”
  • “🌳🌳🌳👍🏻”
  • “Mother Nature knows the answer.”
  • “Thanks, tree!”
  • “Yes! Let’s all dream of a better Korea with ‘progressive homosexuality’!”
  • “Korea’s Progressive Homosexuality🌈”

For more information on Korea’s divide between the LGBTQ and supporting communities vs. Christians, watch BBC News Korea‘s coverage on the Queer Festival that took place in Incheon in 2019:

Source: The Korea Times and theqoo

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