Seungri and Other Male Singers Accused Of Sharing Illegal Hidden Camera Videos With Each Other

Seungri and 2 other male singers are accused.

In another bomb dropped by SBS FunE, who has been spearheading the Burning Sun Case, they have revealed that Seungri and 2 other male singers, who were not named, would share illegally filmed hidden camera videos of secretly filmed women.


A source of SBS FunE’s who is well connected to the police investigation stated there weren’t just one or two illegal videos shared, but multiple.

“Within the evidence that was submitted to the police, there were more than 10 illegal hidden camera pictures and videos. Some of these videos and pictures were sent in the chatroom with Seungri and other celebrities.”

— Source


SBS FunE has also reportedly confirmed this by obtaining a KakaoTalk chat log from January 9, 2016, starting at 8:42 pm KST. The chatroom contains Seungri, 2 unnamed male singers, Yuri Holdings CEO Mr. Yoo, Seungri’s acquaintance Mr. Kim, an unnamed entertainment company employee, and 2 other people. Mr. Kim was an employee at club ARENA, which was recently raided by police.

Mr. Kim: Attached file (20 seconds video)

Seungri: Who’s that? ㅋㅋ

Seungri: Oh it’s X X hyung ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Mr. Kim: ㅋㅋㅋ

Mr. Kim: (The girl is) the one who talks a lot.

Mr. Kim: Hidden camera photo 1

Mr. Kim: Hidden camera photo 2

Mr. Kim: Hidden camera photo 3

X X: ㅋㅋ (Lol)



Their investigation into the KakaoTalk chatroom logs have indicated that all 8 members of the chatroom, including Seungri and the two unidentified male singers, saw the hidden camera photos and video that were sent, but none of them pointed out how these pictures and video could be a problem. It is unknown if this is the same chatroom as previously reported, where celebrities were confirmed to be part of the chatrooms.

Multiple Celebrities Confirmed To Be Part Of Seungri’s Suspected Prostitution KakaoTalk Chatroom


SBS FunE also stated that the women in the videos seemed completely unaware that they were being recorded, and that they all seemed drunk in the videos. Based on the male’s behavior in the hidden camera videos, the man is assumed to know that he is being filmed. It is also presumed by SBS FunE that the pictures were taken by Mr. Kim, but that has not been confirmed.


Police will be continuing their investigation in the case, as will the Anti-Corruption And Civil Rights Commission, who believe that there is some level of corruption within the police and are investigating independently. Currently, Korean law states that criminals who film and distribute hidden camera videos and pictures can be sentenced up to 5 years in prison and fined 30 million won.

Source: SBS FunE

Burning Sun Scandal

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