SEVENTEEN’s Seungkwan Is Back On Instagram And Carats Can’t Contain Their Excitement
I repeat, this is NOT a drill.
SEVENTEEN‘s Seungkwan has made a return to Instagram, and Carats are over the moon.
Seungkwan originally created his account in April 2018, and steadily posted until he had over 100 photos. But in August 2019, Carats began noticing that he was deleting photos, until in August 2020 all his photos were gone. And now, Seungkwan has made his first post since his Instagram wipe, and Carats are celebrating.
And no, this isn’t an April Fools prank.
This isn't some April fools prank right? It is Seungkwan's IG pledis_boos right? I'm not seeing things am I? I can't believe what I'm seeing 😭
— Mochi (@Cottonmochi3) March 31, 2021