SHINee’s Minho Opens Up About The Misunderstandings People Have About Him

He talked about the misconceptions people have about him!

SHINee‘s Minho opened up about the misunderstandings people have about him!

Minho recently sat down for a TMI interview with GQ Korea, where he answered tons of questions sent in by his beloved fans!

| GQ Korea/ YouTube

As an idol, Minho is known for his high-energy, intense performances and competitive streak!

And while off the clock, Minho’s known to enjoy sports, and is especially passionate about soccer!

With this image of his spanning his long career, one of the questions he received was:

Misunderstandings people have about me?

Minho then revealed all that he’s heard from people about himself, that he thinks doesn’t truly measure up with who he is!

That I’m good at all sports, never give up, and [am] just full of passion and energy?


He then said that while this image of his has some truth behind it, at the end of the day, he’s just a normal person like the rest of us!

It is kind of true, but for things that I’m not good at, I give up fast. It’s kind of a big misunderstanding.


No matter what, fans love Minho with all his “flaming charisma” and talent!

| SM Entertainment

Watch him talk about the misunderstandings here, from the 2:25 mark onwards!


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