“Single’s Inferno” Song Ji A Receives Praise For Her Most Recent Whereabouts

She did a good deed.

Single’s Inferno‘s Song Ji A went off the grid ever since her controversy that followed soon after the show. She had been accused of wearing imitation luxury items, even passing them off as real. After which, she fell out of favor with the public and took down all her content on social media.

The matter occurred mid-January 2022 and Song Ji A had not been heard from since. After a long two months away from social media, fans finally received news about the star. Through a Korean media outlet, it was reported that she had donated a whopping ₩20.0 million KRW (about $16,200 USD) to victims of the recent forest fires in South Korea.

| @dear.zia/Instagram

The fires destroyed more than 300 homes and thousands were forced to evacuate. Many celebrities have been showing their support in donations for the victims and relief efforts. The Korean Red Cross thanked Song Ji A for her donations and explained how it had happened.

She made the decision as she wanted to be at least of a little help to those experiencing hardship as she felt sorry when she heard about the news of the victims of the forest fires. We thank her for her warm actions and we are anticipating her good influence on society through various activities in the future.

— Korean Red Cross

The news of her donation is the first time fans are hearing about her whereabouts since she went off the grid. Many are praising her for her actions.

| theqoo
  • [clapping emojis]
  • “How cool of her”
  • “So did those that criticized her do anything for the victims of the forest fires?”
  • “how cool”
  • “So cool! Freezia, hwaiting~”
  • “It’s a good thing to donate”
  • “Good good”

Hopefully we will get to hear more from the lovable influencer soon!

Source: Khan and theqoo
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