“Single’s Inferno 4” Star Sparks Controversy After Being Accused Of Buying Instagram Followers

When someone appears on Single’s Inferno, their fame and popularity increase, and this can be seen through social media, and it was no exception for the recent series.

One contestant whose popularity on social media has sparked confusion and allegations is Theo Jang.

Out of all the contestants, Theo has the most Instagram followers by a huge gap, and by looking at SocialBlade, his stats fluctuate, and the star has huge increases in followers each day. In particular, on March 4 and 5, he gained over 28,000 on each day.

Netizens noticed the unexpected change in Theo’s followers and shared a screenshot on Reddit, accusing him of buying followers.
Why is Theo buying a lot of followers?
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 inSinglesinferno2
Netizens shared that they were also surprised by how many followers Theo had and the huge increase, despite not being one of the most popular and a long time after the series ended. Many added how it cemented that he was definitely not a “green flag” and that he was someone who went on the show solely for fame.
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 from discussion
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 from discussion
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 from discussion
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 from discussion
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 from discussion
byu/Known_Elevator_9141 from discussion
In particular, the stats for Theo could be compared to the most “popular” contestant from the season, Lee Si An. She has around 900,000 subscribers, much lower than Theo, but the change in followers is more consistent, according to SocialBlade.

You can read about the ranking of the contestants based on social media below.