Renown College Professor Reveals Why Song Hye Kyo Is Unlike Any Other Actress In The Industry

It completely change his perspective about her.

Famous college professor, Seo Kyung Duk, revealed story about the time Song Hye Kyo once personally called him about a question. Song Hye Kyo revealed that she received an offer from Mitsubishi for an ad campaign. When he heard this, he thought she would ask a simple question regarding the company’s history.

However, she blew away his first impression when she asked in detail about the company’s history in using American prisoners of war as slave laborers. She didn’t just skim the surface of the issue either. She already knew most of what was going on with the company and seemed to simply seek confirmation about her knowledge with a specialist.

After discussing about Mitsubishi’s history with Song Hye Kyo, he realized that she was a gem among celebrities, who truly cared for history and the righteous deeds. Needless to say, she turned down the offer from Mitsubishi.

“I thought she would ask me a simple question, like ‘Mitsubishi is a company that dealt with war crimes, right?’ But she asked, ‘Mitsubishi still hasn’t taken responsibility through actions or payments yet, right? I received a endorsement offer, but I should definitely reject it, right?’

I was very surprised. Song Hye Kyo is a star who promotes with a sincere consciousness to do the right thing.

She has a lot of interest in history.”

— Seo Kyung Duk

Song Hye Kyo is definitely more than just outer beauty. She has the heart and brains of gold, truly setting an exemplary standard to all celebrities!

Source: My Daily
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