Newlywed Idol Harassed With Disgusting Comments Aimed At Couple

“Even if they are happy, how sad do you think her parents are?”

Park We and Song Jieun are facing disgusting comments.

Song Jieun (left) and Park We (right) | Newsis

Recently, Park We and Song Jieun got married in a beautiful ceremony. The beloved couple’s wedding was celebrated by fans all across Korea, both men and women.

Unfortunately, however, not every one was a fan. Some netizens from one popular community took issue with the fact that Song Jieun, who they considered was much more eligible than her paralyzed husband, married Park We.

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On October 21, a post on Nate titled “Song Jieun Is Seriously A Bad Daughter” went viral. The post has gained over 120K views. For context, it is important to note that although Nate is considered a “Feminist” community, it by no means represents all feminists in Korea. In fact, Nate is increasingly gaining a reputation as one of the more toxic online communities in Korea.

In the post, the author writes how Song Jieun’s choice of husband undoubtedly was against the wishes of her parents. This of course is an unsubstantiated claim, which there is 0 evidence of.

You couldn’t be a worse child. I can’t help but think she is driving a stake in the hearts of her parents. I also can’t understand Park We, who said he wanted three children.

— Netizens

Netizens reacted to the post, with many agreeing with the shockingly distatsteful sentiments of the author. Other netizens, still, called out the post for its ridiculous claims.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 2.40.44 PM

  • “But seriously, Park We said he wanted children? If he did, I really can’t understand him?”
  • “Are you saying that he didn’t just say that he wanted children, but the man said he wanted three? Then I guess Song Jieun is going to have to be the one to take care of the children’s diapers and clean up after them? Sigh… If he really did say that, he is selfish and doesn’t love the woman. If he thought of the woman’s perspective, even a little bit, he shouldn’t have married her and wouldn’t be able to say that he wanted children. He should say that he would simply abide by the woman’s opinion on having children.”
  • “But she is a bad daughter. Even if they are happy, how sad do you think her parents are?”
  • “Please live your own life.”
  • “If their gender were different in this situation, would you still say that?”
  • “This is what’s wrong with feminist communities, lol. They are happy together and married. Why are you guys making controversy? Why are you guys blabbering on? Korean women are seriously the best at creating controversy out of thin air.

It is important that we emphasize that many of Korea’s online communities, like in the United States, are fraught with toxicity and that just like in the United States, Korea’s online communities should not be viewed as a representation of the Korean people. As we wrote earlier, a vast majority of Koreans are celebrating the union of the couple.

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Source: nate pann
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