South Korea Receives Over 40 Trash Balloons Overnight From North Korea…Again

They allegedly released over 200 balloons.

Previously, we had reported about North Korea sending balloons full of animal feces and trash into South Korean territories as a response to anti-North Korean leaflets sent across the border by human rights organizations in South Korea.

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Workers on June 25 handling waste contained in a balloon flying from North Korea in Seongbuk-gu, northern Seoul | JCS

Another batch of similar balloons was reportedly sent to South Korea on July 19, KST. The country received a batch of over 40 garbage-filled balloons across the border. The north of the Gyeonggi Province woke up to over 40 balloons dropped across the region on Friday.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff reportedly detected at least 200 such balloons flying from North Korea between 5 p.m. on Thursday and 5 a.m. on Friday. Seoul residents received a safety alert on Thursday after one of those balloons entered South Korea’s airspace. Eventually, one-fifth of those balloons successfully dropped in South Korea.

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Trash-filled balloon that landed in Seoul last month | Money Today

The JCS revealed that upon inspection, the balloons were found to be mostly filled with paper trash and posed no safety hazard. In an official statement, Seoul responded to North Korea’s actions, saying it “would be met with the consequences it deserves” if it continued.

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One of the balloons that landed in South Korean territory in May | The Korea Herald

On the ground, however, South Korea has already responded to the balloons with its giant loudspeakers across the border. The military started blasting propaganda broadcasts on Thursday, July 18, KST. The first round of broadcasts reportedly involved speakers installed near the western section of the fortified border and continued for approximately 10 hours. According to reports, the loudspeakers were also blared during the next two days.

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The “propaganda loudspeakers” at the North-South border in 2004 | 123rf

Back in June, when South Korea responded to North Korea’s trash balloons by blasting K-Pop songs at the border, it created some tension in the fan communities. You can read more about it here.

Source: The Korea Herald

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