Stray Kids’ Bang Chan Praised For His Actions After Seeing A Fan Pass Out In The Audience

He immediately took action.

While fans caused concern by passing out during NCT 127‘s NEO CITY – THE LINK + tour stop in Jakarta the week before, Stray Kids recently experienced a similar situation at their recent MANIAC tour stop in Jakarta as well.

Stray Kids | @Stray_Kids/Twitter

When a fan fainted in the audience, Bang Chan received praise for his quick thinking to help them.

Bang Chan

In the front row of the audience, a fan suddenly fainted. Despite being in the middle of a song, Bang Chan quickly made his way to the edge of the stage and hopped off.

Bang Chan reached for the fan that was there and moved it around to circulate air where the person passed out.

Bang Chan even adjusted the fan’s settings to increase the speed for more circulation.

Not only was everyone impressed by Bang Chan’s quick thinking, but fans who attended the concert reported that medical staff worked quickly to help the fan as well.

Fans also noticed a moment when Bang Chan kindly warned fans to “be careful” so they could enjoy the concert safely while still having fun.

Bang Chan cares so deeply for STAYs that he wants them to stay safe—even if he has to stop performing to make that possible.

Stray Kids

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