Stray Kids’ Bang Chan Spills On What Kind Of Tattoo He Wants And Fans Aren’t Prepared

Fans couldn’t be more excited.

A large majority of K-Pop fans love seeing idols show off new tattoos. Fans are excited that idols can express themselves by getting meaningful tattoos, even if they get covered on specific broadcasts.

Certainly, some netizens criticize idols’ tattoos, but as GOT7‘s Mark has shared, “If you guys don’t like tattoos, then maybe you don’t have to get it, but I enjoy tattoos.”

I know there might be some people who don’t like tattoos, and this and that. At the end of the day, it’s what I want to do, and if it makes me happy, why not? If it’s not your taste, then maybe you don’t do it. If you guys don’t like tattoos, then maybe you don’t have to get it, but I enjoy tattoos. I like putting things that are meaningful to me and art on my body. Yeah!

— Mark

Recently, Stray KidsBang Chan talked to a fan about getting tattoos in the future. In the past, the idol has shared some conflicting statements about whether or not he’d ever want to get a tattoo. In one live broadcast, Bang Chan even talked about some research he’d done to ensure a Polynesian-inspired tattoo would be acceptable for him.

Bang Chan has always shown a fascination with tattoos, and fans have pointed out that he’s often worn fake tattoos for different performances and videos.

And he was even eagerly listening to the fan explain their tattoos to him.

So while it’s not entirely surprising that Bang Chan shared that he wants tattoos of his own, fans were shocked by the idol admitting that he wants “to get a massive sleeve” of tattoos.

Bang Chan | @3RZCHA/Twitter 

Although Bang Chan does clarify that he isn’t sure that his hope will come to fruition.

| @3RZCHA/Twitter 

Fans, of course, are stunned by the idea of Bang Chan will a tattoo sleeve since it would only highlight his visuals.

And they certainly aren’t sure that they would survive the look.

Hopefully Bang Chan will be able to get a tattoo when he feels comfortable with it.

You can watch the full clip here.

You can read more here.

GOT7’s Mark Has A Response For Fans Who Don’t Like His Tattoos

Stray Kids

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