Stray Kids’ Felix Debuts A Gorgeous New Hair Color And Fans Are Obsessed

The color totally suits him!

Besides his talent and kind personality, Stray KidsFelix is known for his gorgeous visuals, regardless of his style.

Stray Kids’ Felix | @realstraykids/Instagram

In fact, he has recently attracted attention both for his stunning looks in a new photoshoot and for showing off how good he looks bare-faced!

| @realstraykids/Instagram
| @realstraykids/Instagram

Felix currently has fans going wild because of his new hairstyle and color after having darker hair for so long!

On January 23, KST, Stray Kids departed Korea and headed to the Phillippines for their Bench fan meeting event. Fans immediately took notice of Felix’s appearance, noting that his hair was not showing, and assumed that he must have changed the color.

Their suspicions were confirmed during the fan meeting’s press conference when Felix’s new lighter hair color was revealed! However, because he was wearing a hat and the stage lighting, fans could not exactly tell what the color was.

Felix also wore the hat during the fan meeting, but near the end, took it off and gave fans exactly what they had been waiting for. His hair could be described as silvery blond, and looks absolutely perfect on him!

Fans got an even closer look during Bang Chan’s live stream when Felix made a surprise appearance with his hair down.

During the group’s departure from the Phillippines, Felix showed off his new do again and, combined with his bare face, created quite the look!

Fans have been reacting as expected and absolutely love Felix’s new style!

Stray Kids

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