Stray Kids’ Felix Hides His Hair Color, And Fans Hope It Means A Darker Shade Is Making A Comeback

Are we finally getting dark haired Felix back?

Stray KidsFelix rocks every color, and that includes his hair! Though he has no bad looks, there’s one shade many fans are hoping he’ll have again.

Stray Kids’ Felix | @realstraykids/Instagram

Stray Kids’ dance line, Dance Racha (Lee Know, Hyunjin, and Felix) recently held their first VLIVE together in two years. While fans loved their antics, there was one thing that fans noticed in particular.

Felix was hiding his hair!

With Stray Kids’ tour scheduled to kick off April 29 in Seoul, it’s the perfect time to try a new color. With a cap and hoodie, Felix appeared to be keeping his new hair color away from prying eyes.

Hyunjin even tried to help him hide it, something he himself has failed at doing before.

Lee Know was also wearing a beanie, where his sideburns were visible. While fans believe he might be sporting black hair…

Fans are unsure of what color Felix will reveal. They definitely have ideas about what they wish it will be though.

Some fans want red haired Felix to make a comeback. Considering Hyunjin has said he wants to change his hair soon too, a throwback to short brown haired Hyunjin and red haired Felix could be possible.

Others though, think brown hair is Felix’s best look and have been hoping for its return.

Still, some fans are hoping for an even darker shade: black.

Even though the likelihood that Felix did change his hair color is high, some fans are wondering if it’s all an elaborate joke.

Stray Kids’ members are known for their teasing, after all!

While Felix looks great with blonde hair, many fans agree that they would like to see a darker shade for a change.

No matter what it turns out to be, Felix is sure to look incredible!

Stray Kids

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