Stray Kids’ Felix Reveals What Career He Would Like To Have If He Didn’t Debut As An Idol

“I had a vague desire to become…”

Since it seems like he was meant to shine on stage, It’s hard to imagine Stray KidsFelix as anything other than a talented idol.

GQ Korea

In a recent interview with GQ Korea, Felix helped put an image in our minds of what he might have done if he didn’t chase down his dreams of being an artist.

GQ Korea

After he spoke about his journey from moving to Australia to join Stray Kids, Felix was asked if he had ever thought about what his life would be like if he weren’t an idol. Felix responded that use to desire several different of career.

GQ Korea

Q: Have you ever imagined what you would have done if you hadn’t debuted as a singer?

I had a vague desire to become a police officer. Or a job that handles wood like carpentry. I’m interested in things I can do with my hands.

— Felix

GQ Korea

While those occupations are quite different from being a singer, Felix would probably do great in any job he tackles.

Source: @LuvForYou915

Stray Kids

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