“Street Woman Fighter 2” Hit With Massive Backlash For Allegedly Maliciously Editing Jam Republic’s Latrice

“They deleted the problematic racist scenes and instead made Latrice out to be a weirdo…”

Mnet has been accused of maliciously editing Street Woman Fighter 2 contestant Latrice.

Latrice Kabamba | @_latricekabamba/Instagram

On the latest episode of Street Woman Fighter 2, contestants, in their respective groups, were tasked with filming a dance video.

Previously, the contestants competed to become the “Main Dancer” of their groups, which were made based on dancers’ roles on their respective crews.

Latrice was named as the main dancer of her group, which gave her the power to position dancers however she liked. This is an important benefit as each dancer in the video was competing against one another.

The benefit meant Latrice had the power to give herself, or whoever she chose, the best positions in the choreography and video, which would highlight their strength to the judges.

In the episode, Latrice is shown as a dancer who doesn’t want to highlight others. Instead, in her segments, the dancer is portrayed as being selfish, who only relents to sharing the spotlight with other dancers after they complain about their parts.

Top from left: Sayaka, Latrice, Harimu, Redlic

Netizens, however, called out Mnet and accused them of evil editing. In a viral post, a netizen alleged that Mnet had maliciously edited Latrice due to a previous controversy regarding her and dance Redlic.

Today’s evil-editing of Latrice was the worst. She’s seen as someone who is trying to hog all the spotlight, but in truth, was one of the leaders who shared the spotlight. She’s portrayed as needing help from Kirsten, but all of the other group leaders received help from their crew leaders. She’s also shown in a negative light for strategically picking Redlic as the group’s worst dancer despite receiving help from her, but other groups also picked strategically. The show made it seem like Latrice chose Redlic because she hated her.

— Netizen

The netizen then revealed that the evil editing might be more malicious and deliberate than previously thought.

During their competition for Main Dancer, Redlic stated that Latrice wasn’t trying and that she won because of her physique. Latrice, who heard this, cried, stating that she had respected Redlic as a rival before she made the statement. Latrice, despite the racist comment, hugged Redlic, and they made up.

Mnet producers didn’t know the statement was racist and put the scene in the trailer and, after the controversy blew up, took the scene out of the episode.

The fact producers edited the scene out means they are biased towards Redlic. And now, producers are picking at Latrice and trying to bring her down through malicious editing. They deleted the problematic racist scenes and instead made Latrice out to be a weirdo.

— Netizen

The netizen wasn’t the only one who felt that Latrice was deliberately shown in a negative light.

I mean, Latrice is shown as if she wants to hog all the parts to herself and is crazy about being the center. However, the leaders in other groups like, Waaackxxxy and Yoonji, took the centers for themselves and made it so they were the only ones who stood out.

— @GaesoriJeonyong/Twitter

Netizens commented on the post, with many criticizing Mnet for maliciously editing Latrice.

  • “The editing is bad, and Redlic is too emotional. When she talks, I can feel the evil behind her words… Like when she talked about Latrice’s physique and when she says she’s going to destroy her…”
  • “It was funny because I could tell (Mnet) was trying to bring Latrice down, LOL. I think they were trying to justify Redlic’s statements because it was so controversial… I think they are also editing Mina Myoung to make her look bad.”
  • “In the few scenes, you can tell Redlic didn’t trust Latrice and was trying to act like she was the main dancer. Anyone who does that will be chosen as the worst dancer, LOL. Why is (Mnet) doing this to a foreign dance crew?”
  • “Wow, Latrice was maliciously edited…”
  • “Why are they doing this to foreign dancers? (Mnet) should know that if a foreign show took our dancers and maliciously edited them, there would be a controversy.”
  • “Mnet’s editing is so obviously biased, LOL.”
  • “Wow, if I didn’t see this post, I would have thought Latrice was a weird person.”

What are your thoughts? Check out Latrice’s group video in the link below.



Source: theqoo

Street Woman Fighter 2

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