All The Students In This Korean High School Are Wearing A Special Badge

These students went viral on social media after they created badges to remember Korea’s comfort women.

The history clubs from Cheorwon High School and Cheorwon Girls’ High School worked together to design, produce and sell ‘comfort women’ badges. They show a young girl with a clip in her hair and a blue flower on her sweater. The badge represents the young women who were exploited and forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army during their occupation of Korea between 1910 and 1945.

The comfort woman badge that high schoolers created, symbolizing the comfort women’s memories from their youth.

When Cheorwon High School students had challenges coming up with designs for the badge, they looked to the nearby Cheorwon Girl’s High School for help. After completing the badge together, they began selling them to the public.

The badges spread quickly on social media, and due to the unexpected awareness and sudden demand, the students increased the production from 200 to 1,000 badges.

Cheorwon student Lee Chan Hee, who took part in the making of the badges commented that,

“While working in a history club with an aim to correct revisionist history, we came up with the idea of ‘comfort women’ badges.”

— Cheorwon High School Student Lee Chan Hee

The Cheorwon High Schoolers that took part in the design, production, and selling of the comfort women badges.

The actions of these students come during a bigger push to publicize and remember Korea’s comfort women; the Seoul government recently began installing additional ‘statues of peace’ commemorating those exploited in during the Second World War.

Source: The Korean Bizwire


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