Sulli’s Brother Hits Out At Their Father’s Greed Over The Late Singer’s Assets

Sulli’s brother reveals their father still has yet to visit her grave.

Sulli’s brother posted message on Instagram regarding the conflict between their father regarding the assets that she left behind.

The message read, “I carried the sadness of my sister by myself but how can a father share his problems regarding assets to his acquaintances instead of the sadness of the loss of his daughter.”

He added, “He’s someone who hasn’t even visited her grave yet…I don’t want to get too personal here but someone who speaks and acts different needs to be put out there. If we’re strangers, let’s just live like that.”



Her brother posted a screenshot of their father’s message that was supposedly sent to his acquaintances. Their father reveals that he has become strangers with the children’s mother after fighting about the assets Sulli left behind. “My daughter who has left us first has left behind assets. I fought with the children’s mother about this and we are now living as strangers.”

He added that he hopes that he can use the assets to give back to society all in the name of God. “I will remember the sacrifice made by our God and listen to his words and pray that I can live a life of giving back.”



Read the full message below:

The reasons for our happiness and our success does not come from wealth or how well off we are. These desires hide our eyes and corrupts our consciences. Our consciences need to be honest and our lives need to be Christian-like. Our wealth belongs to our God and he has made us the manager for this. Therefore, the wealth that we have is not just for us but to be used in a way that God intended us to use it. It is only then we are able to see the worth and value of this wealth.



I have a daughter that has gone to heaven first. She has left behind assets on this earth. It is because of these assets that I have fought with the children’s mother and have become strangers with her. I am praying that the precious assets my daughter has left behind can be used to restore society. Today I pray that everyone will remember our God’s sacrifice to save us and listen to his voice and live a happy life of giving back. I love you.



Her brother added, “I have not said anything personal regarding my sister. I can do whatever I want with my problems. I don’t want to be two-faced like a certain someone. How wise would you all be if you were in my situation? The person who first spread the news of the conflict with assets is our father. Complain to him about it.”


What do you think of this situation?


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