Sunmi Admits She’s Unhealthily Skinny, Responds To Fans’ Concerns

In a recent interview with CeCi magazine, Sunmi revealed that she was concerned about her weight.

While promoting “Gashina”, Sunmi ended up losing more weight despite having been quite skinny already.

“I lost a lot of weight during my promotional period. In real life, I’m too skinny, but it looks better on camera, so I’ve got a dilemma. Makeup plays a big role too.”

— Sunmi

In a previous interview, she also revealed she only weighed 43 kg (94 lbs) at 166cm tall (5’4″), which worried her fans.

Fans have expressed their concerns and said that they hope she gains a little bit of weight for her health.

Sunmi’s full CeCi interview and photo shoot can be seen in the magazine’s November edition.

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Check out more photos from her photo shoot below!


Source: Insight

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