Super Junior Heechul’s Dating Life Under Speculation…Because Of His Bra Removing Skills?

Even the studio staff was surprised!

One idol that constantly amazes and confuses netizens is Super Junior‘s Heechul.  The idol’s unique personality, combined with his tendency to say whatever is on his mind, regardless of the consequences, has gained him fans and haters.

Super Junior’s Heechul | Label SJ

Heechul is also known for being elusive about his dating life, with the idol only being in one public relationship during his career. That is if you didn’t count when he declared he would be getting married to an unexpected partner in 2023.

Super Junior’s Heechul Announces He’s Getting Married⁠— And To Who Will Shock You

His dating history has recently been questioned, all due to a particular talent he accidentally showed off.

Heechul recently appeared on the ChopChop YouTube channel, where he was tasked with selling an item without knowing what it was at first. His item was revealed to be a bra and panties set.

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Later on after a bit of banter, Heechul begins to do a practical demonstration of the product, using a mannequin. While talking about how he thought a sound hint given was of the bra being opened, Heechul uses one hand to quickly unsnap the bra, surprising the show’s other guest and the studio staff.

When the clip was shared online of this moment, many were surprised by how quickly Heechul was able to remove the bra, a task that many bra wearers have difficulty with.

Many fans saw this from another perspective, joking about how Heechul must have a lot of “practice” removing bras in order to be so quick at it.

You never know what to expect from Heechul!

Super Junior

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