Super Junior’s Heechul Estimates He Lost Half A Million Dollars Through Money Lending

Only one of them has ever paid him back.

Super Junior member Heechul shared a shocking story of how he lost nearly USD 500,000 dollars simply because he couldn’t say “no” to people.

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Heechul | Sports Kyunghang

Heechul recently appeared on the popular YouTube show Don’t Forget Your Breakfast, hosted by Jang Sung Kyu, as a special guest. Since the two have been good friends for years, this episode brought many unfiltered stories about the idol to the surface. One of which was Heechul’s immense wealth.

When Jang teased Heechul about his generous spending habit, the idol cheekily admitted, “I have a lot.” While celebrities being rich is no unique phenomenon, the peculiar thing about Heechul’s wealth is that he has never dabbled in business and he often lends money to people in huge amounts.

I felt like he would’ve lent a lot to people,” Jang affirmed, saying, “he doesn’t know how to say no.”

It turns out that so many people ask to borrow money from the idol that he had to set his Kakaotalk profile message to “I’ll block you right away if you ask for money.” On any special occasion, Heechul said, friends and family always reach out to him to ask for money.

The idol then shared his bitter experiences of lending money to his close friends out of the goodness of his heart. After debuting, he frequently lent money to his friends but unfortunately never got paid back.

When Jang inquired about the cumulative amount he might have lost because of this, he revealed that it was a whopping half a million dollars!

He added that the only person who has paid him back after borrowing money is his groupmate, Shindong.

This anecdote even left netizens feeling annoyed and criticized Heechul’s acquaintances for being “shameless.”

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| Instiz
  • “Scumbags, really.”
  • “Wow…”
  • “Really, these people are horrible.”
  • “There are so many people without any shame.”
  • “Thug b*stards.”
  • “₩500 million KRW (about $360,000 USD) is ridiculous.”

Meanwhile, you can watch the full episode of Don’t Forget Your Breakfast featuring Heechul here:

Source: Instiz

Super Junior

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