SuperM Gives Out Phone Number And Encourages Fans To Text Them

It’s a real phone number!

In a surprise announcement to their official Twitter page on September 21 (KST), upcoming K-Pop supergroup SuperM shared a US-based phone number with a Los Angeles area code.

This type of marketing has recently become a huge hit with celebrities, including actress Kerry Washington who uses the service Community to connect with fans in a safe and meaningful way. While it’s not any single member’s actual phone number, it is a real number and the members will be able to read and reply to your messages!

We understand the value of direct dialogue between you and who you care about. Community enables direct, meaningful conversations at scale.

—Community website

After texting the number, you will be sent a link from Community to add yourself to SuperM’s contact book.  In a pleasant surprise, Super M offers users the option to identify as Non-Binary!

Are you excited about being able to connect with SuperM this way? Will you be sending them a text?


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