“98-Line” The Ark And Uni. T’s Lee Suji Announces Her Upcoming Marriage


Uni. T and The Ark’s Lee Suji is getting married. On September 5 ,2023, she announced her impending marriage via Instagram. Through a heartfelt letter, she thanked fans as she broke the news to them.

Hello. This is Lee Suji. A new season of 2023 is approaching. It is also my favorite one, autumn. I’m wondering how everyone is doing.

This and last year, has been a time that was both really special and surprising to me. It’s a pity that I cannot put all of it on Instagram, which is the only platform that I can communicate with everyone via, but in that time, I healed through much laughter and tears…

Also, during this time, there were more moments of kindness that filled me up, as compared to things that I had to put down. During this process, my most precious dream appeared.

I have met someone that loves me without change, and I will marry in October this year. Since I was young, I had wanted to meet someone that was like my dad. My groom-to-be is someone that is friendly, detailed and has a warm heart, like my dad.

For someone that is unskilled at expressing herself, he taught me how to express love, and showed me the life of love that is loyal and lowers themselves first. He taught me how to be filled with happiness at the smallest of things, and for someone that loves movies like myself, he made each and every day of my life just like a romantic comedy.

And so, although we are both imperfect, we will become one as we make up for each other’s weak points. I debuted when I was so young, and there are so many people that have been watching me for a long time as I grow. So although I hold my pen, nervous that I will be shocking these people with my sudden news, I pen down my feelings with happiness because I know that these people are the ones that have loved every bit of me more than anyone else, as they were together with me.

Thank you for always supporting and cheering on every single moment of my life as the human Lee Suji, not just the singer or actor Lee Suji.

I can’t wait for my life as part of a family in the future. More than anything else, I’m so happy to know that the power of love is bigger than anything else.

I also hope that everyone whom I love will experience a refresher. Although this small letter cannot contain even an ounce of my gratitude… I’d be so thankful if you would congratulate me. I love you all so much! Shalom!

— Lee Suji

Lee Suji gained popularity through The Ark. Later, after the group disbanded, she re-debuted through Uni. T.

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