A List Of Male K-Pop Idol Fan Sign Event Trends Goes Viral Online

Do they really ask all this?

After the pandemic, offline fan sign events are back to the norm, and similar questions have become an ongoing trend at various idol fan sign events.

aespa’s Karina at a fan sign event | kavenyou

In particular, when a trend from one fan sign event goes viral, other fandoms also want to see their idol do it.

An online community post recently garnered attention for summarizing current male idol fan sign events. The post went viral as netizens shared their thoughts on the trending questions/requests fans made at these events.

| theqoo

“A summary of male idol fan sign events these days

– If you can register a card for me, would you do it for a food delivery app or Kakao Taxi?

– I’m going to go out drinking with friends after this. What should I do if someone asks for my number?

– I’m into (onother idol/sports) these days. Can I go on to that side?

– Do you think I’m more close to you or with ___?

– I did ____ to give you strength. Did you receive it? How much?

– Make a code for just you and me. Can you use that code during your ending fairy pose?

– Come up with a nickname for me and use that to call me from now on.

– When do you think about me?”

| theqoo

“- You are an oppa if you’re handsome. Older or same-age fan: Oppa~ Younger fan: Hey!

– Choose a member that would be appropriate for marriage. Choose someone that suits me.

– Who do you think my bias wrecker is?

– A good-looking guy asked to go out for drinks, but I came here to see you.

– They say relationships last longer if the guy likes them more.

– Dogs blink faster when they see the person they love.

– What will you do if your girlfriend spills spicy rice cake on your bed?

– (Doing a friend’s request) What’s your first impression of me? What kind of animal do I look like? What am I to you?

– (Testing to see if they remember them) Hi, it’s my first time here. (If they remember, they compliment them on the member’s good memory.)”

Netizens were horrified at the level of questions that were being asked to idols.

Netizen comments | theqoo
  • “There are a lot of questions I wish they wouldn’t ask on the list. I wish they wouldn’t talk about other idols during fan sign events.”
  • “Ew…”
  • “They are so many crazy people…Do they think it’s ok to ask if they can like other idols just because they paid a lot for the fan sign?”
  • “Idols are the bright side for host bar girls.”
  • “But some of these feel a bit outdated…There seems to be a different pattern these days except for a few standard ones.”
  • “There are actually people that ask these questions…this is serious…I’m shocked by this.”
Netizen comments | theqoo
  • “That’s why I don’t see any charm when I see video fan sign calls. I think they look cool only when they are on stage.”
  • “Being an idol is a tough job…”
  • “Wow…it’s hard to read all this.”
  • “I can understand why idols just answer with, ‘Ah, really’ for these events.”
Netizen comments | theqoo
  • “Why are they asking such ridiculous questions?”
  • “I guess there’s nothing we can do..they paid tons of money to be there. They don’t have a long time anyway, so they’re trying to get their money’s worth, even if they are ridiculous questions like that.”
  • “Wow, are fan sign events really like this?”
  • “The fan sign event system itself is really strange. They request for more things because they pay a lot to go.”
  • “Wow, I’ve seen so many of those statements being asked within the past two weeks from my bias. Most recently, they asked them to say, ‘What kind of girl says things like that?’. They are just toys to them.”
  • “So disturbing. Idols have a hard job. It’s annoying that they all have to be like that if they spend money.”
  • “Wow this is really some tough stuff. They must have it hard.”

What do you think about the fan sign event culture?

Source: theqoo
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