TWICE Could Buy Anything They Want, But These 3 Products Are At The Top Of Their Wishlists

You might even have these at home!

There are many things in this world that TWICE could buy, but these are the three items they want the most at the moment!

TWICE’s Jihyo (left) and Mina (right) shopping

In a recent interview with online shopping platform Shopee, TWICE was asked to share what they want to buy online and why they chose those products.

Jihyo was the first to answer, and she readily chose a massage machine, specifically one for the shoulders.

The massage machine for the shoulders!

— Jihyo

Although Jihyo didn’t get specific about the exact type of massager she wants, it very well could have looked like this popular design…


…or maybe even something like this.

| Amazon

Next up was Dahyun, and she excitedly shared that an air filter for their dorm is at the top of her wishlist.

That led the MC to ask with concern if the air in their dorm has worsened lately.

Has the air around your dormitory gotten worse lately?

— MC

Shaking her head, Dahyun quickly clarified that she simply wants to own one. Meanwhile, Nayeon had already burst out laughing!

It’s not like that, but I think it would be great to have one.

— Dahyun

Finally, Tzuyu chose baking equipment, which isn’t surprising considering it’s her new hobby.

Aside from naming the products that they want to buy, TWICE also reacted to news of Dahyun growing taller. Read more about it below!

TWICE’s Dahyun Recently Grew Taller, But Her Members Couldn’t Believe It

Source: YouTube


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