TWICE’s Dahyun And Chaeyoung Look Back Fondly On Their Long Friendship And Trainee Days Together

They’ve been friends for almost 8 years!

TWICE‘s Dahyun and Chaeyoung went down memory lane in a live broadcast!

On December 10, Dahyun and Chaeyoung surprised fans with an impromptu live broadcast. The two first talked about how happy they were to see ONCEs as they don’t get to see them very often, and then revealed that they were reminiscing about their trainee days and watching old videos, when they suddenly decided on a live broadcast to connect their past selves with their selves now.


They talked about watching all their senior label mate’s old songs, like 2PM‘s “Heartbeat” and “I’m Your Man”, and how cool Taecyeon looked while he ripped his shirt off! Chaeyoung then talked about how she performed many of 2PM’s songs for talent shows, and even performed “Heartbeat” in the fourth grade, taking Wooyoung‘s position!


Dahyun then mentioned her recent appearance on Knowing Brothers, alongside Nayeon and Park Jin Young (JYP). She talked about how they performed Wonder Girls‘s “Tell Me”, and how weird it felt to go from performing it as a young hopeful in talent shows, to performing it with the writer and creator of legendary song itself!


The talk then turned to how time flies quickly. Dahyun reminded Chaeyoung that she’ll soon be turning 22 years old, and Chaeyoung in turn reminded her that since she’s a year older, she’ll be turning 23! Chaeyoung then softly added that she was 14 years old when they first met, which means they’ve been friends for a long 8 years!


ONCEs have been soft over these cuties, and their strong friendship that’s lasted all the way through their trainee days, and now into their lives as successful artists!


Here’s to the maknae-rapline of TWICE, #DubChaeng!


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