TWICE’s Jihyo Hilariously Refuses To Give A Spoiler…But Then Lets The Group Give One

What could it mean?!

TWICE recently appeared on Shopee’s 9.9 Super Shopping Day TV Special, hosted by Heejun, when Jihyo shocked him by refusing to give a spoiler!

Jihyo, Nayeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu. | Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

During an interview portion of the show, Heejun asked if any member of TWICE can give a hint for future projects. Jihyo adamantly said no, they can’t!

Heejun: Can any TWICE member give ONCE a hint of an upcoming project of TWICE for this year?

Jihyo: No, we can’t!

| Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

Heejun was taken aback by her response and Jihyo and Nayeon could be seen laughing on stage. Jihyo explained further and said, “We cannot give a hint or give any spoilers.

| Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

Heejun kept pushing though, asking if they could give even just a little bit of a hint. Jihyo turned around to face her members and gestured to see if anyone had a hint they wanted to give. They thought of maybe giving just “one syllable” as a hint, but then they agreed on all doing a gesture instead.

| Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

They added on to the mystery of it all by saying it was up to each member to choose “which one” they would spoil!

| Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

Each member did a gesture, with MomoChaeyoung, and Tzuyu doing something similar with their arms.

| Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

Everyone else, however, did completely different moves!

| Shopee Philippines/YouTube 

It seems like the kind of spoilers that will only make sense once the new content comes out, whatever and whenever that may be. Check out their interview below!

Source: YouTube


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