TWICE’s Momo Loves Rain So Much That She Can’t Even Look Him In The Eye

Imagine what Heechul feels 😂

TWICE recently made a guest appearance on the YouTube variety show Season B Season, where they had a fun interaction with the legend himself, RainMomo, in particular, couldn’t hide her love for the singer!

It all started when the girls performed their latest title track “I CAN’T STOP ME”.

After the performance, Rain shared how much he loved the point move.

Jihyo offered to let him dance with them, and he excitedly asked them to teach it to him.

Momo, the group’s main dancer, proceeded to show him what to do.

To his surprise, she quickly refused when he asked her to dance with him.

It’s not that she didn’t like him, however. She shyly explained that she was just too nervous to dance with her favorite singer.

Her members hilariously exposed Momo even more by revealing that her ringtone is his hit song “Love Song”. And that’s how you know you’re a big fan of someone!

To prove it, her manager even called her phone, and she didn’t know how to react.

If you want to see their interaction in closer detail, check out the full video below.

Source: Season B Season


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