TXT Were Baffled By British Slang Phrases, But These Two Made A Big Impression

Don’t be surprised if you start hearing TXT use these words!

British MOAs: don’t be shocked if you start hearing TXT use these slang phrases! The group recently appeared on MTV UK‘s YouTube channel and did a video where they attempted to guess British slang.

Taehyun, Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, and Hueningkai. | MTV UK/YouTube 

They tried their best to use logic and their intuition to figure out what each word or phrase meant, but it was a near-impossible task!

| MTV UK/YouTube 

By the end of the video, the members shared which phrases were the most memorable for them. They all agreed on two!

| MTV UK/YouTube 

When the members heard “peng,” they immediately thought of the penguin character Pengsoo! While it was an admirable guess, it’s very different from the real meaning of “peng.”

| MTV UK/YouTube 

They also went with “sneeze,” “sleeping in,” and “hungry” as possible meanings only to be shocked when they found out it means “attractive” or “good-looking!” Beomgyu quickly put the word to use and called Yeonjun peng (same, Beomgyu.)

| MTV UK/YouTube 

For “Hank Marvin,” the members all thought it would be related to a real-life person with that name. They guessed that this Hank fellow could have been super lucky or smart or a skilled athlete.

| MTV UK/YouTube 

However, while there is a musician named Hank Marvin, the phrase actually comes from an English trend where slang words were created through rhymes. “Hank Marvin” rhymes with “starving,” which is the true meaning of the phrase!

| MTV UK/YouTube 

TXT did their best to try and figure out what each phrase meant, and who knows — maybe we’ll hear one of them use “peng” in the future! Check out the video below to see more of TXT attempting to figure out British slang meanings.

Source: MTV UK


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