TXT’s Young Ages Are Giving Jessi An Existential Crisis

She couldn’t handle it.

Jessi is feeling her age, and it’s all because of TXT!

Jessi and Hueningkai

Recently, TXT guested on Jessi’s show Showterview With Jessi. Here they quizzed Jessi with trivia, played hilarious games, and much more. From the moment they arrived, TXT turned Showterview into their personal comedy show.

TXT had barely started their introductions when Jessi started to feel the age gap between herself and the members. When she made a joke about Uptown‘s Jung Yeonjun, TXT’s Yeonjun didn’t get it.

Uptown, a K-Pop group that debuted in 1997, was way before his time! Jessi used to be a member of this group, back when she still went by her old stage name, Jessica H.O.

If that outdated reference didn’t make Jessi feel geriatric by comparison, Hueningkai probably did. When Jessi found out he was born in 2002, 34 years of life flashed before her eyes.

In fact, she was so shook that she physically distanced herself from the group! Jessi worried that her usual, no-filter interview style might be too much for these “kids!”

TXT sweetly tried to reassure Jessi that she still looks young (because, newsflash, she is still young), but it backfired! “I feel like we’re rather growing apart,” Jessi joked.

Check out 20 more hilarious moments from the show here, or watch the episode below:


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