TXT Members Send Messages To Fans For The First Time

It shows off each of their personalities!

TXT members opened up their very own official Twitter account, where they will post personal Tweets for the fans!

“Hello! This is the official Twitter for TOMORROW X TOGETHER ⭐️☺️”



Soobin started off with a special message to fans, explaining how each day has been a bliss thanks to the tremendous amount of love!

“Hello, this is TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s Soobin! I wanted to communicate with everyone as soon as possible, and we finally opened our official Twitter! I’m happy to be the first one to say hello.

Thank you to everyone who are already giving us so much love!!! Thanks to you, I’ve been living each day in complete bliss❤️ The members and I are continually practicing hard for the performances we’re preparing to show you, so please look forward to it! See you soon~”

— Soobin


Yeonjun soon followed with amazing selfies of himself and a promise to meet everyone soon!

“Hello everyone!!! This is Yeonjun from TOMORROW X TOGETHER!!! I’m sending my first greeting through Twitter, but I’ll be coming to see you soon haha Also, thank you for giving us so much love even though we haven’t debuted yet!!!

I’m so touched sobsob (additional playful sounds)…

We’ll do our best to show you our best selves so please look forward to it and love us! Thank you❤️”

— Yeonjun


Beomgyu uploaded a video showing off his gorgeous visuals and a quirky twist!

“Hello! It’s Beomgyu!!!

Did you like our introduction films??☺️

We wanted to communicate with everyone even a day earlier so we opened up this Twitter account!!

I’ll drop by often so please look forward to it, and please give lots of love to TOMORROW X TOGETHER!!❤️⭐️”

— Beomgyu


Maknae Taehyun said hello with his adorable selfies and a heartfelt message to fans!

“Hello! I am TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s lovely maknae Taehyun😲Did you watch all of our introduction films? haha Although we didn’t debut yet, we opened up this account because we wanted to communicate with everyone! Please love TOMORROW X TOGETHER ❣️”

— Taehyun


Lastly, HueningKai uploaded beautiful selfies and a promise to visit the fans through this account often!

“Everyone!!!!!~~~ Hello!!! It’s TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s cutie HueningKai! I’m thrilled to be introducing myself for the first time since our art films ㅠㅠ I’ll communicate often through this account and practice hard to show you my best sides!!! I ask for your many interest and love😍”

— HueningKai


With a Twitter account designated just for the members, TXT and their fans will be able to get closer than ever – even before their debut!

TXT's Debut

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