A Protest Truck Calling For Better Treatment For TXT’s Yeonjun Appears At HYBE But Fans Think Antis Might Have Sent It

With the amount of protest trucks these days, it’s hard to tell.

Protest trucks are one of the most common methods to get your message across to the idols’ companies these days. As you do not have to be physically present for it, global fans also have been utilizing this method recently.

A recent truck sent to the HYBE Labels building for TXT’s Yeonjun has been gaining attention. The truck seemed to call for better treatment for the star, but the tone of the words raised suspicion.

| theqoo

Where did our Yeonjunnie go~~~ When other companies’ kids have antis~~~ Their companies take care of everything~~~ When our kid has antis, why isn’t the company doing anything at all~~~~

— Truck

The excessive use of the “~” symbol is not all. Each sentence is ended with a suffix that is meant to inject a note of sarcasm by sounding cute. It is rarely used in professional circumstances.

| theqoo

Netizens were also confused about the constant references to “moms.” It was guessed that this could refer to his individual fandom.

Where did our Yeonjunnie go~~~ There’s also no chance for him to talk one on one with mom through live streams ~~~ Even on official contents, I can’t see any record of Yeonjun’s growth~ The company also [redacted] dyes the baby’s hair too [redacted]. [Redacted] hides Yeonjun’s Instagram. Mom will go to the company to save you.

— Truck

The overall unprofessionalism and odd wording of the truck caused fans to wonder if a true fan had sent it. They suspected antis of sending the truck instead.

Netizen reactions. | theqoo
  • Aren’t they antis, for real? Even the pictures they chose…
  • I feel like they’re antis at this rate… Yeonjun is so popular, so he also has many dumb antis.
  • No, but why did they send it like that? LOL.
  • Moms? LOL.
  • Why are trucks a sudden trend?
  • Ha…
  • Are they trying to pull one on him instead?
  • But for real, at that rate, it’s possible it could be an anti… Yeonjun has many dumb antis even overseas… Cuz he’s a popular member…

While unnatural wording due to direct translation is natural for trucks from global fans, Yeonjun’s truck seemed to have gone beyond this. Without a source found for the truck as well, it is possible that the suspicions raised by fans could very well be true.

Source: Theqoo
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