Upcoming Global K-Pop Group Struck By Wave Of Scandals Before Debuting

The group’s former CEO was accused of forcing trainees to send underwear photos.

Upcoming girl global K-Pop group DE:VA has been struck with a wave of scandals.

Girl group DE:VA

Ahead of their debut, DE:VA revealed they had left their company, seemingly after the CEO was exposed for forcing trainees to send underwear photos.

Idol Set To Debut Reveals Alleged Status Of Former CEO Of Company Accused Of Forcing Trainees To Send Underwear Pictures

Yet, it seems like two of the members have been caught in controversy.

Netizens shared the past behavior of member Mei.

It was addressed by the member and netizens noticed a recent post about her on the official social media account was deleted, leading many to think she was removed from the group.

Another member, Kia‘s Pinterest board was revealed.

Following the photos being shared, Kia directly addressed it on the group’s X page, acknowledging her wrongdoings and how she will learn from what has happened.

While the allegations were addressed by both, as the posts gained attention, netizens shared their own thoughts, including how the members proved that “digital footprint” is a real thing.

The group hasn’t debuted yet, but they’re seemingly gaining attention for the wrong reasons.

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