Here Are The Greatest Challenges For VERIVERY, According To The Members

There is no challenge too big for VERIVERY!

VERIVERY, Jellyfish Entertainment‘s seven-member boy group, recently made their comeback with SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0 : WHO].

In an exclusive interview with Koreaboo, the members talked about their biggest challenges from both past and present. We asked the members to share details and behind-the-scenes stories from “O.”

From left: VERIVERY’s Yongseung, Kangmin, Minchan, Yeonho, Dongheon, Hoyoung, and Gyehyeon. | Jellyfish Entertainment

Dongheon revealed that filming the MV was actually quite difficult due to the cold temperatures. The temperature had dropped to 3.2°F! So, the members attempted to keep warm by the food trucks for their breaks.

Shooting the music video for this comeback has been quite challenging. The temperature dropped 16 degrees (Celsius) below zero. I remember how, through the night, we kept warm by the food trucks where we got sausage and rice cake snacks and hot fish cake broth.

— Dongheon

If it wasn’t cold enough already, the water sprinklers went off at one point! Minchan shared the story behind the “wet and wild” scene.

There is a scene in the music video when we’re supposed to get water sprinkled on us. When the sprinklers went off, the water actually didn’t reach all the way to the back where I was. So I was happy I didn’t get wet in the beginning.

— Minchan


Minchan said that he found practicing the most challenging, though. Likewise, Hoyoung revealed that the choreography was difficult but not for the usual reasons. The members are actually more used to rigorous dancing, so the more “mellow” style for “O” was an adjustment.

Our choreography for this comeback is kind of mellow to better fit the track, so that felt weird for me. Usually, we practice super-intense routines. So when we started practicing for this one, I had a bit of trouble getting used to the different vibe.

…It didn’t take a long time to learn, but because it was a completely new genre for me, it felt trickier and more challenging to really master it to perfection.

— Hoyoung

“O” Dance Practice | VERIVERY/YouTube

Gyehyeon added, “Preparing for a comeback is always exciting, and there is a lot of anticipation in the air.” Like Hoyoung, the new concept took getting used to!

It was challenging to match the track’s vibe and really bring that out.

— Gyehyeon

Gyehyeon | Jellyfish Entertainment

Yeonho was able to speak confidently about the comeback. He just hopes that VERRERs (VERIVERY’s fandom) love “O.”

I didn’t find it too challenging in any way! We worked really hard toward our goal. I hope everyone loves the comeback.

— Yeonho

Yeonho | Jellyfish Entertainment

Yongseung and Kangmin felt similarly. Yongseung explained that the time spent preparing for the comeback was meaningful, especially with VERRERs in mind.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find it challenging at times. But I can say for sure that the time I spent in preparation for this comeback was exciting and meant a lot to me. I worked hard and practiced hard, keeping in mind the fans who have waited for this comeback.

— Yongseung

Yongseung | Jellyfish Entertainment

Kangmin said that though he found the new concept fun and was eager to show VERRERs, he struggled with his part in the song. We can definitely say that the hard work and efforts paid off!

I had a lot of fun taking on this concept. I can’t wait to show VERRERs this new side of us. I did find my part of the song to be a bit challenging, so the songwriter and I struggled while recording.

— Kangmin

Kangmin | Jellyfish Entertainment

Each member faced their own challenges in the recent comeback. But leader Dongheon explained that their teamwork is better than ever. So, now, he is working on improving himself individually.

We prepare and practice for a really long time. But more recently, the teamwork among the members has truly peaked and so we’ve been able to cut down a little bit on the group practice time. I’ve been able to spend that time focusing on working on me and improving myself.

— Dongheon

Dongheon | Jellyfish Entertainment

The members talked more about the choreographies they found the hardest. Previously, Hoyoung had revealed that he found their new song “O” the most challenging. On the other hand, most found their previous rigorous choreographies tricky.

I found every single choreography to be difficult. But personally, the ‘TRIGGER’ choreography was the hardest. The song is fast-paced so I struggled with staying on beat. For this comeback, I practiced three to four hours per day, minimum. When we learn choreographies, I think I have the most trouble.

— Minchan

Gyehyeon testified that Minchan struggled with “O.” Yet, everyone came out at the top, showing fans their best!

The hardest choreography was ‘G.B.T.B.’ for me. That one involved a lot of details which made it difficult to completely synchronize. For any comeback, we practice four to five hours a day as a group. And then, for any of the remaining time, we practice individually. Specific to this comeback, Minchan struggled quite a bit.

— Gyehyeon

Yeonho spoke about how much he has been able to grow. What once took him a while to master now is now an easy feat.

It doesn’t take too long to learn a choreography. I’ve gotten a lot better at it. But in the past, I used to be the member who had the most trouble mastering the moves. For comebacks, we practice at least four hours a day.

— Yeonho

“O” Dance Practice | VERIVERY/YouTube

Kangmin finds most choreographies challenging, and looking at them performed; we don’t blame him.

Personally, I think I struggle the most with mastering any song or a choreography. I try to work harder and put in my best effort so that I’m not a nuisance to the other members.

— Kangmin

“O” Dance Practice | VERIVERY/YouTube

In contrast, Yongseung finds most VERIVERY choreographies fun compared to Mnet‘s Road to Kingdom.

I found the Road to Kingdom performances to be the hardest. That involved practicing for a much bigger stage and it required teamwork with other dancers, too. For VERIVERY comebacks, I’ve always had fun with all of the choreographies.

— Yongseung

He added that they still worked very hard for “O,” though. VERIVERY wants to give their best to VERRERs, and they always do!

This comeback had us practicing all day long, though. But because we’re all confident about our dancing, I don’t think any one member had too much trouble with the choreography.

— Yongseung

“O” Dance Practice | VERIVERY/YouTube   

Watch VERIVERY’s dance practice for “O” below:

Idol Struggles & Victories

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