Veteran Actress Kim Hye Soo Takes A Stance On The Crisis In Gaza

Her post was in Korean and English.

Veteran actress Kim Hye Soo has publically shared her stance on the latest situation regarding the crisis in Gaza.

Actress Kim Hye Soo | Netflix

Although the conflict between Israel and Palestine dates back decades, it has garnered international attention over the past few months since Hamasโ€™ October 7 attack on Israel. Since then, there have been continuous retaliatory airstrikes by Israeli forces across the Gaza Strip. With civilians being killed, citizens have voiced their opinions, with many asking for a ceasefire.

On November 14, actress Kim Hye Soo shared her own stance on the situation on Facebook. In both English and Korean, the actress reposted two stories from both UNICEF and UNICEF Korea where it spoke about the casualties and asked for an immediate “ceasefire.”

When the post reached social media, netizens reacted positively to the actress’s posts. In particular, many pointed out that she is one of the few top Korean stars who has addressed the issue in any way.

Kim Hye Soo has almost a million followers, with fans from across the world.

Source: @hs_kim_95/Instagram
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