VIXX’s Hyuk Announces Military Enlistment Date With Letter To Fans

VIXX‘s maknae Hyuk is enlisting for his mandatory military service.

On March 21, Hyuk’s agency, Companion Company, announced his enlistment. He will enlist on April 18, serving as a social service personnel after completing basic military training.
Hyuk will be enlisting in the recruit training center on April 18. Hyuk will return after dutifully [completing] his alternative service. We ask for a lot of support and encouragement from Hyuk until he returns from his duty of defense.
— Companion Company

Additionally, the agency shared the following letter. Hyuk wrote it to Starlights (VIXX’s official fandom).

Hello, Starlights!
This is VIXX’s maknae Hyuk.
First of all, I’d like to let you know that I’ll be off to fulfill my national defense duties on April 18th! This must be surprising, right?!
I’m a bit flustered, too, because the news came out of the blue, and you all had to hear it through an article. And I feel bad because I would assume that Starlights are feeling upset and surprised…
The thing is, I wanted to fill the time we have until the fan concert with exciting and good times by focusing on the performance and talking about it together. But I’m upset because I don’t think I was able to do so.
However, we still have the Home Party coming up, and we still have some time left. So let’s make a lot of good memories before I leave.
I’m aware of your concerns and your support, so I will come back as a healthier, physically and mentally more grown version of VIXX’s Hyuk and Han Sang Hyuk.
You should always stay healthy, too, and send me updates or messages of encouragement from time to time, okay?!
— Hyuk
Hyuk is the youngest member of VIXX, born in 1995, so he is the final member to enlist in the military for their mandatory service. He and Starlights will meet once more before his enlistment, as he is holding his anticipated 2024 HYUK FAN CONCERT ‘Home’ on March 30 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. KST at Sungshin Women’s University.