A Wedding Or An Awards Ceremony? Top Hallyu Star “Yonsama” Arrives At His Co-Star’s Wedding In A Helicopter

He “dropped” by like the superstar he is.

A Korean actor recently shared an anecdote about how the top Hallyu celebrity arrived at his wedding… in a helicopter.

Bae Yong Joon arriving in his helicopter | KBS

On June 28, actor Park Sung Woong appeared on KBS‘s Problem Child in House and talked about his love story with actress Shin Eun Jung.

Actor Park Sung Woong on “Problem Child in House” | KBS

Park Sung Woong and Shin Eun Jung met while filming the 2007 K-Drama The Legend, starring Bae Yong Joon, Yoo Seung Ho, Shim Eun Kyung, and Phillip Lee. The two played a couple in the show, and after secretly dating for a while, they married in 2008.

Shin Eun Jung (left) and Park Sung Woong (right) | Star News

A few days before the wedding, Park Sung Woong received a phone call from The Legend co-star Bae Yong Joon, also known as Yonsama. The Hallyu star, most famous for his role in the 2002 K-Drama Winter Sonata, asked the soon-to-be groom, “Is there a helicopter landing site [at the wedding venue]?

Bae Yong Joon | Star Today

Park Sung Woong encouraged Bae Yong Joon to take a van, but he found out that Bae Yong Joon had received a cultural commendation in Cheongju, which took place at the same time as his wedding. The wedding venue was in Hongcheon, roughly two and a half hours away by car. Therefore, Bae Yong Joon sought a way to attend both.

They were both at 3 o’clock, so Bae Yong Joon arrived in Hongcheon at 2 o’clock on his helicopter, stayed and took photos with the bride for 30 minutes, then took the helicopter to Cheongju. He kept his loyalty.

— Park Sung Woong

Bae Yong Joon arriving in a helicopter | KBS Entertainment/YouTube
Bae Yong Joon walking to the wedding | KBS Entertainment/YouTube  

Bae Yong Joon’s loyalty to his fellow actor did not go unnoticed. His arrival at the wedding ceremony—which almost seemed like a red carpet—was broadcasted on television back then and is still seen as an iconic moment today.

Source: Newsis and KBS Entertainment/YouTube
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