Where’s “Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo” Actress Cho Hye Jung Now? Latest Update Has Koreans Divided On Her Return To Screen

Should she be able to act again?

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo actress Cho Hye Jung (also known as Jo Hae Jung) has remained out of the spotlight for the most part.

Actress Cho Hye Jung in “Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo” | MBC

The lack of activities has little to do with the actress herself, though; It is assumed to be due to her controversial father, Jo Jae Hyun, and the #MeToo exposé from 2018, for which he admitted and apologized.

Actor Jo Jae Hyun Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Actress Choi Yul

So, following the latest Instagram updates from the actress at the Seoul Museum of Art, Koreans from online communities got into a fierce debate over whether the actress should be able to return to the screens with more confidence.

Some insisted that, having debuted using her father’s now-tarnished fame, the actress should opt to remain off the screens. Others compared her to actress Lee Da In whose situation—of being related to someone with a criminal background—is similar.

| @haejung_c/Instagram

Most, though, rooted for the actress and argued that her father’s sins should not stop her from pursuing her own dreams.

| theqoo
  • “She was taking on some significant roles and building her career until her father f*cked it all up for her… She had it tough enough.”
  • “I don’t get people upset about her comeback. She’s not the one who should be doing time for the sexual assaults.”
  • “It’s not like she lived an extravagant life using her father’s criminal wealth. She never rooted for her father since the exposé. Even the pictures she posted were taken before the official exhibit launch. There is NOTHING here that she deserves criticism for.”
  • “People need to stop bringing Instagram posts and nitpicking them to see if there’s something to gossip about. She was living her life, there is nothing wrong with that.”
  • “Her father’s crimes did not do her ANY good, though. Associating her with her father’s wrongdoings EVERY SINGLE TIME is unfair. She also can’t be compared to the daughter whose step-father is a financial criminal. It’s not like she benefited from her father’s sexual assaults.”
  • “I don’t think I have reason to praise her. But I also don’t have reason to criticize her. Besides, it looks like she’s still out of a decent career, so…”
| theqoo
  • “She didn’t choose to be born from a criminal father. What wrong has she done? It’s not like she was helping her father commit those heinous sins. I think her situation is a bit different from, say, Lee Da In’s.”
  • “I’ve been watching her for a while now. I hope she’s doing OK.”
  • “Leave her alone. It’s not like she knew about what her father’s doing. It’s also not like she had some good come from her father’s criminal activities. She never sided for her father since. It’s hard enough for her to be daughter to a rapist. Let her live.”
  • “I don’t think she has been too active since what happened to her father. Right? I think we can all let her be.”
  • “Leave the daughter alone. Please.”

Cho Hye Jung has tried to make a comeback in 2022 with a successful supporting role in the hit K-Drama Our Blues.

Cho Hye Jung in “Our Blues” | tvN

Since then, the actress has signed an exclusive contract with BH Entertainment. The management has stated in a previous interview that the actress “is looking forward to building her career again, starting with smaller roles.”

Source: theqoo
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