Xikers Fans Concerned Over The Severity Of Junghoon’s Knee Injury

The group only just debuted.

Just recently, xikers‘ label KQ Entertainment announced that member Junghoon had suffered from a serious knee injury, and that he would need to go on hiatus for a time. He also requires surgery for the injury.

Junghoon (xikers) | KQ Entertainment

To be more specific, it was revealed from his medical examination that he has suffered from a cruciate ligament rupture, which is often caused by changing direction rapidly, stopping suddenly, slowing down while running, or landing from a jump incorrectly. Given how intense xikers’ choreographies are, it’s possible that the injury came from a performance or practice.

Here’s the announcement of the diagnosis from KQ Entertainment.

This injury has occurred only a little over a month since the group debuted on March 30, and the fact that it’s serious enough to require surgery has fans worried. Recovery from an ACL tear can take anywhere from six months to a year, which is a long time for any idol to be on hiatus, especially a rookie.

| KQ Entertainment

A Reddit post was created to discuss the announcement, where many fans have shared their worries and well-wishes for the xikers member to heal quickly.

by u/WillZer from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
in kpopthoughts

by u/deaththekiddie from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
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by u/MissMaster from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
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by u/WerewolfAcrobatic826 from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
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by u/gazzelle3 from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
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by u/MiyaRina from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
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by u/foundinwonderland from discussion Junghoon from Xikers with ruptured cruciate ligament
in kpopthoughts

We wish Junghoon a speedy recovery from this injury, and that he’s able to rest as much as he needs to fully heal from it!


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