Yang Ye Won Accused Of Disrespecting Studio CEO Who Committed Suicide, Attorney Responds

The sister of the late studio CEO shared a post on an online community, enraged at Yang Ye Won’s actions.

Earlier this year, a popular Youtuber named Yang Ye Won revealed that she was a victim of sexual assault by a group of men from a certain photo studio.

Popular YouTuber Reveals She Was A Victim Of Repeated Sexual Assault


A few months later, it was reported that the studio CEO who was accused by Yang Ye Won of leaking her nude photos had committed suicide by jumping off a bridge.

(★BREAKING) Studio CEO Who Leaked Nude Photos Of YouTuber Yang Yewon Committed Suicide


Just recently, a picture of Yang Ye Won and her boyfriend was posted on a fishing website under the title “Fishing Experience No.xx July 29”. In the photo, Yang Ye Won was holding a plate of raw fish and her boyfriend a disposable soju cup, both with bright smiles on their face.


The photo immediately went viral and was eventually widely circulated through media outlets. After reading the news, the sister of the late studio CEO shared a post on an online community, enraged at Yang Ye Won’s actions.

“I am the sister of the studio CEO involved in the Yang Ye Won case. I am writing this because I was so infuriated after reading an article indicating that [Yang Ye Won] went fishing yesterday.”

 Sister of the Late Studio CEO


She continued to express her frustration at how Yang Ye Won could go fishing in Incheon when she had just spread her brother’s ashes in the Incheon ocean.

“My brother, who passed away after being wrongly charged, was cremated and scattered in the Incheon ocean on July 14th. After seeing [Yang Ye Won] fishing in Incheon not long after, I could not repress my astonishment.”

 Sister of the Late Studio CEO


In response to the long post, Yang Ye Won’s attorney released a statement on the 12th stating that “the issue was not worth responding to” and questioned the identity and timing of the photo.

“Yang Ye Won’s hair was not long since I first took on the case. Although I have not checked whether the woman in the photo was Yang Ye Won or not, it looks like the photo in question was not taken after the death of the studio CEO.”

— Yang Ye Won’s Attorney


Although nothing has been confirmed, angry netizens have been shaming the Youtuber for her alleged actions.

  • “Just stop you crazy b*tch go to a shrink if you have time for fishing”
  • “You’re seriously not going to shut down your Youtube?”
  • “I hope you go to h*ll”
  • “May the one who flourished on Instagram, perish on Instagram as well”


Read the full post written by the late studio CEO’s sister below:

“I am the sister of the studio CEO involved in the Yang Ye Won case.

I am writing this because I was so infuriated after reading an article indicating that [Yang Ye Won] went fishing yesterday.

My brother, who passed away after being wrongly charged, was cremated and scattered in the Incheon ocean on July 14th. After seeing [Yang Ye Won] fishing in Incheon not long after, I could not repress my astonishment.

Since the death of my brother, our family has been going through hell and when I saw the photo [of Yang Ye Won] smiling on a boat near the place we scattered my brother’s ashes, I was so infuriated that I was at a loss for words.

As far as I know, Yang Ye Won sued my brother on charges of making false accusations and defamation of character before he passed and so [we] need to be investigated.

Moreover, people have been claiming that the Kakaotalk messages have been fabricated, but we recovered them from a private company with our own money and submitted them to the police.

The evidence has now all been sent to the prosecution.

Before my brother passed, he called me saying he was going crazy because of the unfairness and expressed his frustration because no one was listening to him when he didn’t do anything wrong.

Even after his death and before the verdict, it seems like [Yang Ye Won] is disrespecting the deceased while continuing to act like the victim and it’s infuriating.

My brother lost everything.

During the investigations, he wasn’t able to work and even had to take out loans for the attorney fees, Kakao message recovery fees, card payments, rent and other fees.

Even after his death, the landlord of the studio claimed that no one was taking the place because of the rumors and said he had to restore the place so we weren’t even able to receive the 50,000,000 KRW deposit.

I hope I can set things right so that my brother could rest in peace in heaven.”

 Sister of the Late Studio CEO

Source: Dispatch, Etoday and MyDaily
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