YG Entertainment postpones WINNER’s comeback due to Taehyun’s condition

WINNER is postponing their comeback indefinitely as member Nam Taehyun is excluded due to health reasons. 

On October 12th, YG Entertainment confirmed the delay in WINNER’s anticipated return as they updated fans about Taehyun’s condition. According to the agency, they were aware of his mental health condition during his trainee days. However, the singer and actor was unable to cope these last few months.

It was also revealed that YG Entertainment conducted a number of consultation with Taehyun and met a few times with his mother. It was determined that the stress on WINNER’s domestic and international activities took a toll on him. Meanwhile, it was stated that there is no specific timeframe for Taehyun’s treatment and recovery and therefore decided to temporarily halt WINNER’s activities as well.

Taehyun is considered one of the main vocalists of the group and last promoted with the group with the release of EXIT early this year. This was followed by a concert tour and international activities with Taehyun also venturing into acting simultaneously.

Source: Dispatch

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