Yong Junhyung Announces He Will Leave Highlight Following Recent Hidden Camera Controversy

He is leaving Highlight.

Highlight’s Yong Junhyung has announced that he will be leaving Highlight due to his involvement in the recent hidden camera controversies.


Hello, this is Yong Junhyung.

First of all, I sincerely apologize to the Highlight members and all of the fans who have had a difficult time because of me because of the past few days.

When I received a call from my agency to confirm the report right after SBS 8 pm News aired on the 11th, I did not understand the point of the issue,and only said that I did not participate in the chatroom. As a result, the agency took my side, and said in their official statement that the reports are false. However, this information was not given accurately by myself. When talking to my agency about the official statement, I said the chats were from 2016 because I no longer have the chat logs with Jung Joon Young in my own KakaoTalk, so I was not able to accurately check the date. I would like to also apologize for causing more confusion because of this.

In the KakaoTalk messages with Jung Joon Young from late 2015 as reported by the news, we drank together the night before and went home. I asked him how he was doing the next day. Jung Joon Young told me that he got caught sending an illegal video to someone. I responded “You got caught by her?” I did not receive a video at that time, but I did receive a different video at a different time. In addition, I participated in inappropriate conversations about this. All of these actions were extremely immoral, and I was very foolish. I treated it as something that is not a big deal, without thinking that it was a crime and an illegal act. It is also my fault for not stopping Jung Joon Young.

Yesterday, I participated in an interview as a witness regarding this controversy. I revealed everything that I know and cooperated with the investigation. While being questioned, I realized exactly what I had talked about in the past, and I was ashamed and felt horrified.

I never participated in something illegal such as taking hidden camera videos or sharing it. In addition, since late 2016, I have only maintained a relationship of simple greetings once in a while with Jung Joong Young. Even though I knew of what was happening at that time, I thought was not a big deal and was too relaxed. I was a silent observer to this serious problem, where my actions could have led to even more victims.

I am very sorry that I have failed to repay the huge amounts of love support everyone has given me, and I betrayed the trust of both the members and the fans who trusted me. I acknowledge the seriousness of this controversy, and I do not want to cause any further harm to my fans and members, who must be disappointed by me. As of March 14, 2019, I will leave Highlight. I will live while reflecting on my life, over and over again.

Once again, I would like to sincerely apologize.”

— Yong Junhyung


Around Us Entertainment has also released their official statement regarding the matter.

“Hello, this is Around Us Entertainment.

First, we would like to apologize to everyone who may have been confused by our incorrect official statement.

Regarding the SBS 8 pm news report on March 11, Yong Junhyung was drinking with Jung Joon Young around late 2015, and the day after, he found out after the two were talking together privately that Jung Joon Young had taken illegal videos. After that, in their private conversations, he has seen illegal videos that were shared by Jung Joon Young, and has also participated in having inappropriate conversations with him. The information was confirmed during a witness interview Yong Junhyung participated in on the 13th.

Realizing the seriousness of the issue, Yong Junhyung carried out his witness interview truthfully, and realized that his past actions and words caused disappointment to many people. He realized his lack of morals and ethics in the past was serious, and is deeply reflecting on that. We know that this is something that is unforgivable. We are deeply reflecting on the fact that we broke all of the trust and love of the fans, who loved both Yong Junhyung and Highlight. Yong Junhyung will leave Highlight today, March 14, 2019, after consulting with the company, to take responsibility for his actions and to try and prevent the group from losing its image and any secondary damages.

We would like to sincerely apologize for not being able to make an accurate fact check on Yong Junghyung, despite his alleged involvement in such a shameful case, and also for out hasty and rushed official statement earlier, which caused confusion to many people. We will be careful to not let something like this happen in the future. Once again, we apologize to our fans, who care so much about Highlight.

We are sorry.

— Around Us Entertainment


Previously, Around Us Entertainment had denied that Yong Junhyung had any affiliation with the other members of the hidden camera chatroom.

HIGHLIGHT’s Yong Junhyung Denies He Is Other Singer In Hidden Camera Chatroom

Source: News1

Burning Sun Scandal

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