“Made Use Of His Father And Sister” — Korean Media Reports The Illegal Methods Yoo Ah In Used To Obtain Drugs

Here’s how he got his fix.

It was recently reported that actor Yoo Ah In used 567 milligrams of Midazolam, 10.7 milliliters of Ketamine, and 200 milligrams of Remimazolam. The Korean media reported that Yoo Ah In had also been accused of illegally acquiring 1,150 sleeping pills through 44 separate transactions by using other people’s names.

On November 2, 2023, it was reported by Yonhap News that Yoo Ah In had used his father and sister’s names in order to receive prescriptions for sleeping pills. A media outlet called The Fact had obtained an indictment through a member of the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly.

In the indictment, it was revealed that Yoo Ah In had been addicted to sleeping pills, and stole even the identification numbers of his family members in order to make purchases for the pills.

He had divulged this information to a close friend, a CEO of a fashion brand, Park. Yoo Ah In admitted that he asked Park to pretend to be his sister with the identification number he had obtained from his real sister. Through Park’s help, he managed to get his fix. In the same year, he asked a doctor for pills using his father’s identification number, claiming that he would give the pills to the elderly man.

Yoo Ah In had obtained around 1010 pills illegally through this method from between July 2021 and August 2021 to feed his addiction.

Source: Newsen
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