ZE:A’s Siwan reveals his impressive high school grades

Ever wondered how your favourite idol stars did back in high school? As the national college entrance exam in Korea approaches, tvN’s Open List 2014 aired a special episode for model student idol stars to share their study tips and know-hows, on which ZE:A‘s Siwan revealed his impressive grades!

On this special episode aired on November 10th, it was revealed that Siwan’s high school grades ranked #4 on the celebrity top model student list. According to Siwan’s 10th grade homeroom teacher, “He was studious and smart. He not only socialized well with friends, but was also well-balanced.” In particular, Siwan’s outstanding high school grades were full of A’s. He also received an award for perfect attendance and made it to the honour’s list.

After graduating from high school, the brainy idol star was admitted to mechanical engineering major at Busan University. At the time of his admittance, only applicants with scores higher than 450 out of 500 on the national college entrance exams were admitted. Siwan commented, “I remember taking science genius lessons with a group of selected students.

In response, the netziens commented, “He is a perfect model student,” “He can do everything,” “I wish I was that sort of a son to my mom as well,” and other favourable responses.

Source: The Fact

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