ZEROBASEONE’s Fans Are Already Upset Over The Group’s Screentime Distribution… From One Teaser Video

Some think the fans are overreacting.

Even though the Boys Planet group ZEROBASEONE hasn’t even debuted yet, fans of the members have already been getting into regular fights online with each other with seemingly every piece of pre-debut media the group puts out.


Recently, they released a teaser video titled “Back to ZEROBASE” that features all of the members in a short film.

While many fans enjoyed the video, though, others took the opportunity to see how “fairly” each of the members were treated in the film by counting the amount of solo screentime each of them has in it.

The results were actually quite surprising, with Zhang Hao by far getting the most solo screentime at 33 seconds while the six members with the least amount of solo screentime have about that much in total between them.

| Instiz

The difference is even more obvious when looked at by percentages in order of most to least solo screentime.

The percentage of solo screentime each member has in “Back to ZEROBASE”

Some fans seem to be particularly upset about Hanbin‘s lack of screentime, given that he was a fan-favorite for the majority of Boys Planet and ranked second overall in the show. Others voiced their disbelief that Taerae had only a single second of solo screentime, which even for a teaser does seem quite low.

Here’s how Korean fans reacted on a post regarding the screentime distributions.

| Instiz
  • “They’re having so much fun.”
  • “What’s with 33 seconds?”
  • “WHAT’S WITH 1.0? At first, I thought it said 10. But… LMAO”
  • “We don’t want to know about this…”
  • “Whatever. I don’t think anyone cares. Bye.”
  • “I thought Hanbin came in second place. No?”
  • “Well, we don’t know if the MV is going to end up having the same kind of distribution. This might be for the teaser only. But then, at the same time, if the teaser is 3 minutes and 22 seconds long, that’s as long as a typical MV. To have such tiny parts, it must feel unfair to some of the members.”
  • “Hanbin has nothing to do with this, though. Let’s not mention any specific names under this post.”

International netizens, however, don’t seem as concerned. Many seem to think it’s ridiculous that the screentime for a group’s teaser was even calculated at all, while others think that even if it does seem unfair now, it doesn’t necessarily give an indication for what the group’s future is going to look like. But some did agree that only having one or two seconds of screentime seemed unfair.

It will be interesting to see how lines and screentime are distributed among the ZEROBASEONE members going forward, and hopefully they will be fair to every member!

Source: Instiz and Pann Choa


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