Fans Praise WAKEONE After The Vast Improvement In Security For ZEROBASEONE

The boys also looked more at ease.

Previously, fans were appalled to see the terrible conditions that ZEROBASEONE had to enter and leave the country under. From fans sticking close to the members on escalators…

| Instiz

…to mobbing while walking…

…the boys experienced the highs and lows of popularity just a short few months after debut. The situation was made worse due to the plentiful number of members that the group has. This caused the boys to be separated from staff and each other. With little security present, fans allegedly pushed the members around, with some falling down.

As such, when the boys returned to Korea on October 17, 2023, fans were pleasantly surprised to see that order was restored. With a whole bunch of added security, the boys had ample space to move.

The boys also looked more relaxed and pleased. Security guards were present in two lines on both sides of the boys this time. There were more than 12 that could be counted from the photo below.

| Instiz

Fans expressed their gratitude to the company.

| Instiz
  • Wow, they have two lines of security on each side. They’ve improved a lot since the Jeju trip.
  • Wow, how reliable. Thank you to the security guards…
  • It’s so great how they’re doing this after the Jeju incident.
  • Wow, they practically formed walls using the guards.
  • Just how severe were the fans sticking to them…
  • Since they experienced the Jeju incident…
  • Wow, yeah, they have to do this to protect them definitely.

Previously, on a trip to Jeju for filming in June 2023, the boys experienced mobbing and more from sasaeng fans. Thankfully, it seems like things are looking up for them with the added security.

Source: Instiz


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