13 Photos Of BTS Making A Statement Wearing Slippers

Who knew slippers could be so…stylish?

BTS, who are known for their great sense of style, seem to be able to rock anything and everything! Who knew that slippers could be so stylish? Here are photos of them rocking some great outfits with slippers.


1. The slightly preppy yet casual look


2. The camo meets vintage hobo vibe


3. The subtle khaki green look


4. Rockin’ the Red, White, and Blue


5. The Batman sock swag


6. The classic white sock with black slippers look


7. The leather Jacket swagger with a touch of bunny cuteness


8. The all decked out Fila fit


9. Yet another all black Fila Look


10. I’m Gucci, baby


11. The Chanel Parisian Chic vibe


12. Black on Black on Black


13. Holographic slides for a pop of color


*Bonus*  A photo of all of them wearing slippers because…why not?


Which is your favorite look?


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