Legend reveals D-5 image teaser for upcoming release
On January 16th, JK Space Entertianment group Legend released its D-5 image teaser featuring group leader Listen.
The picture featured group leader Listen in a wide-brimmed hat and dark sweatshirt standing in what appears to be a library. The singer posed as if he was about to chose a book, while staring at the camera for the photo.
The photo is completely in black and white, and the shelves of books create a timeless and mysterious feel. Fan responses to the photo included comments, such as “So great…I really missed you“, “Handsome“, and “Nice“.
Legend’s most recent release was the music video for “I Wanna Know” in November, a song off their album Out of My Mind, and fans have been waiting for a comeback ever since. With more teasers to come before the group reveals their new release, Legend still has a lot left in store for fans.
#전설 [#LEGEND] D-5 '#LISTEN' http://cafe.daum.net/LEGEND5/FIgG/38
Posted by 전설 legend on Friday, January 16, 2015